Subject In This Section


Part 1 of 5

The following symbols are used:
* = This indicates "help verses" to the prophecy scriptures.
# = This indicates verses that could relate in some way to the times from the rebirth of Israel to eternity.

The following letters indicate the subject or time period of prophecy scriptures:
P = Past
N = Now
LAD = Last days
LD = Latter days; this includes the times in which we now live
Res = Resurrection
Rap = Rapture
Rew = Rewards
TE = Time of the end
BT = Before the Tribulation begins, but after the Rapture
T = The entire Tribulation
T1 = Part of the Tribulation, prior to the midst of the Tribulation (part one)
TM = The midst of the Tribulation
T2 = Part of the Tribulation, following the midst of the Tribulation (part two)
ET = The end of the Tribulation
AT = Immediately after the Tribulation, but prior to Armageddon
A = The Battle of Armageddon and the second coming of Jesus
M = The Millennium
ME = The Millennium expired
HEP = The heaven and earth passed away
NHNE = The new heaven and new earth
NJ = New Jerusalem
FE = Forever and ever
H = Heaven
JSJC = The judgment seat of Jesus Christ
JIT = The judgment of Israel during the Tribulation
JIAHC = The judgment of Israel at His coming
JHA = The judgment of the heathen at Armageddon
JN = The judgment of the nations
JA = The judgment of the angels
JIM = The judgment of Israel during the Millennium
JHM = The judgment of the heathen during the Millennium
GWT = The great white throne judgment
JSE = The judgment of Satan at the end of the world
Misc = Miscellaneous

    In labeling the verses, many of them cover more than one time period. Verses that cover several time periods may be labeled with several letters representing each period. For example, a promise made to Abraham, regarding the land of Israel, was partially fulfilled after Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty years; however, it will be completely fulfilled during the Millennium. Thus, it can have the letter "P" representing the past and also the letter "M" representing the Millennium, which is yet to come. These were fulfilled in the past and will have a second fulfillment in the future. In some cases, the letter "P" was omitted.



Gen 1:1 - The beginning, God created*
Gen 1:12 - Herb*
Gen 1:26 - Let Us make man#
Gen 1:27 - God created man*
Gen 2:2 - God rested the 7th day#
Gen 2:3 - God sanctified the 7th day#
Gen 2:4 - Misc, generations of heavens
Gen 2:9 - Tree of life#
Gen 3:1 - Serpent*
Gen 3: - She and her husband did eat#
Gen 3:7 - Their eyes were opened#
Gen 3:15 - P, A
Gen 3:17 - Ground cursed*
Gen 3:18 - Ground cursed*
Gen 3:19 - Ground cursed*
Gen 3:22 - Tree of life*
Gen 5:24 - Enoch translated*
Gen 6:3 - God set a date#
Gen 6:5 - Flood, LD, T
Gen 6:7 - I will destroy man#
Gen 6:8 - Noah found grace#
Gen 6:11 - Flood, LD, T 
Gen 6:12 - Flood, LD, T 
Gen 6:13 - I will destroy them#
Gen 6:14 - Make thee an ark#
Gen 6:17 - I bring a flood#
Gen 7:4 - For yet 7 days#
Gen 8:21 - Seed time, harvest not perish*
Gen 8:22 - Seed time, harvest not perish*
Gen 9:4 - Law-eating*
Gen 10:2 - Sons of Japheth#
Gen 10:3 - Sons of Gomer#
Gen 10:6 - Sons of Ham#
Gen 10:7 - Sons of Cush#
Gen 10:8 - Nimrod & Babel*
Gen 10:9 - Nimrod & Babel*
Gen 10:10 - Nimrod & Babel*
Gen 11:1 - Whole earth one language#
Gen 11:2 - Plain in Shinar#
Gen 11:6 - Nothing restrained#
Gen 11:31 - Abram's travels*
Gen 11:32 - Abram's travels*
Gen 12:1 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 12:2 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 12:3 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 12:6 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 12:7 - Ishmael & Isaac, P, M
Gen 13:14 - P, M
Gen 13:15 - P, M
Gen 13:16 - M
Gen 13:17 - P, M
Gen 15:5 - P, M
Gen 15:18 - M
Gen 15:19 - M
Gen 15:20 - M
Gen 15:21 - M
Gen 16:1 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 16:2 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 16:4 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 16:5 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 16:10 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 16:11 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 16:12 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 16:15 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 16:16 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 17:1 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 17:4 - Covenant with Abraham#
Gen 17:5 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 17:7 - P, M
Gen 17:8 - P, M
Gen 17:15 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 17:16 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 17:17 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 17:19 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 17:20 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 17:21 - Covenant with Isaac*
Gen 18:32 - Ten righteous men?#
Gen 19:5 - They called unto Lot#
Gen 19:14 - Lot spake to his sons-in-law#
Gen 19:22 - P, Rap
Gen 19:24 - P, Rap
Gen 19:26 - Wife - looked back#
Gen 19:37 - Moab#
Gen 19:38 - Ammon#
Gen 20:3 - Law-adultery*
Gen 21:2 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 21:3 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 21:9 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 21:10 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 21:12 - Ishmael & Isaac*
Gen 21:14 - Abraham sent Hagar away#
Gen 22:9Abraham offers Isaac*
Gen 22:10 - Abraham offers Isaac*
Gen 22:11 - Abraham offers Isaac*
Gen 22:12 - Abraham offers Isaac*
Gen 22:13 - Abraham offers Isaac*
Gen 22:14 - Abraham offers Isaac*
Gen 22:15 - Abraham offers Isaac*
Gen 22:16 - Abraham offers Isaac*
Gen 22:17 - P, M
Gen 22:18 - P, M
Gen 24:7 - P, M
Gen 25:33 - He sold his birthright#
Gen 26:3 - P, M
Gen 26:4 - P, M
Gen 26:24 - God spoke to Isaac#
Gen 27:27 - P, M
Gen 27:29 - P, M
Gen 28:3 - And blessed him#
Gen 28:4 - Inherit the land given#
Gen 28:13 - P, M
Gen 28:14 - P, M
Gen 28:15 - P, M
Gen 32:12 - P, M
Gen 32:28 - Thy name shall be Israel#
Gen 35:10 - Israel shall be thy name#
Gen 35:11 - P, LD, T, M
Gen 35:12 - P, LD, T, M
Gen 35:22 - Jacob had twelve sons#
Gen 35:23 - Twelve tribes*
Gen 35:24 - Twelve tribes*
Gen 35:25 - Twelve tribes*
Gen 35:26 - Twelve tribes*
Gen 48:4 - P, M
Gen 48:5 - Ephraim, Manasseh*
Gen 48:22 - Joseph given extra portion#
Gen 49:1 - P, LD
Gen 49:8 - Judah#
Gen 49:9 - Judah is a lion’s whelp#
Gen 49:10 - P, A, M, Judah
Gen 49:11 - P, A, M, Judah
Gen 49:12 - A, Judah
Gen 49:13 - Zebulun#
Gen 49:16 - Dan#
Gen 49:17 - Dan#
Gen 49:18 - Dan#


Ex 6:4 - To give them Canaan#
Ex 6:5 - I remember My covenant#
Ex 7:10 - 1.  Moses-rod, serpent*
Ex 7:19 - Take thy rod#
Ex 7:20 - 2.  Moses-water to blood*
Ex 7:21 - Fish died, and the river stank#
Ex 7:24 - Egyptians dig for water#
Ex 7:25 - Seven days were fulfilled#
Ex 8:8 - 3.  Moses-frogs*
Ex 8:17 - 4.  Moses-lice*
Ex 8:24 - 5.  Moses-flies*
Ex 9:6 - 6.  Moses-cattle*
Ex 9:8 - Lord said to sprinkle ashes#
Ex 9:9 - It shall become a boil#
Ex 9:10 - 7.  Moses-boils*
Ex 9:11 - Boils also upon magicians#
Ex 9:23 - 8.  Moses-hail*
Ex 9:24 - 8.  Moses-hail*
Ex 10:4 - Tomorrow I bring locusts#
Ex 10:13 - 9.  Moses-locusts*
Ex 10:14 - 9.  Moses-locusts*
Ex 10:15 - 9.  Moses-locusts*
Ex 10:21 - 10.  Moses-darkness*
Ex 10:22 - 10.  Moses-darkness*
Ex 10:23 - 10.  Moses-darkness*
Ex 10:24 - 10.  Moses-darkness*
Ex 12:13 - Passover-the blood*
Ex 12:15 - Leaven*
Ex 12:19 - Leaven*
Ex 12:23 - Pass over when see blood#
Ex 12:29 - 11.  Moses-death*
Ex 12:30 - 11.  Moses-death*
Ex 13:2 - Law-offering*
Ex 13:12 - Law-offering*
Ex 15:18 - FE
Ex 16:8 - Law-talebearer*
Ex 18:21 - P, JIM
Ex 18:22 - Small matter, they judge*
Ex 18:25 - Ruler-10's, 50's, 100's, 1000's*
Ex 18:26 - Ruler-10's, 50's, 100's, 1000's*
Ex 20:3 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:4 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:5 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:6 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:7 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:8 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:9 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:10 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:11 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:12 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:13 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:14 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:15 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:16 - Ten commandments*
Ex 20:17 - Ten commandments*
Ex 21:1 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:2 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:3 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:4 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:5 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:6 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:7 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:8 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:9 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:10 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:11 - Law-servants*
Ex 21:12 - Law-murder*
Ex 21:13 - Law-murder*
Ex 21:14 - Law-murder*
Ex 21:15 - Law-murder*
Ex 21:16 - Law-kidnapping*
Ex 21:17 - Law-curse father, mother*
Ex 21:18 - Law-assault*
Ex 21:19 - Law-assault*
Ex 21:20 - Law-murder*
Ex 21:21 - Law-murder*
Ex 21:22 - Law-abortion*
Ex 21:23 - Law-abortion*
Ex 21:24 - Law-abortion*
Ex 21:25 - Law-abortion*
Ex 21:28 - Law-animals*
Ex 21:29 - Law-animals*
Ex 21:30 - Law-animals*
Ex 21:31 - Law-animals*
Ex 21:32 - Law-animals*
Ex 21:33 - Law-hole*
Ex 21:34 - Law-hole*
Ex 21:35 - Law-animals*
Ex 21:36 - Law-animals*
Ex 22:1 - Law-animal restitution*
Ex 22:2 - Law-animal restitution*
Ex 22:3 - Law-animal restitution*
Ex 22:4 - Law-animal restitution*
Ex 22:5 - Law-animal restitution*
Ex 22:6 - Law-fire restitution*
Ex 22:7 - Law-restitution*
Ex 22:8 - Law-restitution*
Ex 22:9 - Law-restitution*
Ex 22:10 - Law-restitution*
Ex 22:11 - Law-restitution*
Ex 22:12 - Law-restitution*
Ex 22:13 - Law-restitution*
Ex 22:14 - Law-borrowing*
Ex 22:15 - Law-borrowing*
Ex 22:16 - Law-virgin*
Ex 22:17 - Law-virgin*
Ex 22:1 - Law-familiar spirit*
Ex 22:19 - Law-sex*
Ex 22:20 - Law-false gods*
Ex 22:21 - Law-oppress*
Ex 22:22 - Law-oppress*
Ex 22:23 - Law-oppress*
Ex 22:24 - Law-oppress*
Ex 22:25 - Law-borrowing*
Ex 22:26 - Law-borrowing*
Ex 22:27 - Law-borrowing*
Ex 22:28 - Law-curse*
Ex 22:29 - Law-offering*
Ex 22:30 - Law-offering*
Ex 22:31 - Law-eating*
Ex 23:1 - Law-false report*
Ex 23:2 - Law-right with unrighteous*
Ex 23:3 - Law-poor*
Ex 23:4 - Law-animals*
Ex 23:5 - Law-animals*
Ex 23:6 - Law-poor*
Ex 23:7 - Law-right with unrighteous*
Ex 23:8 - Law-gift*
Ex 23:9 - Law-oppress*
Ex 23:10 - Law-farming*
Ex 23:11 - Law-farming*
Ex 23:12 - Rest on the 7th day#
Ex 23:15 - Keep Unleavened Bread#
Ex 23:18 - No blood with leaven*
Ex 30:14 - 20 yrs old & above*
Ex 31:12 - Law-Sabbath*
Ex 31:13 - Law-Sabbath, P, M
Ex 31:14 - Law-Sabbath*
Ex 31:15 - Law-Sabbath*
Ex 31:16 - Law-Sabbath*
Ex 31:17 - Law-Sabbath, P, M
Ex 32:13 - M
Ex 34:18 - Feast of Unleavened Bread#
Ex 34:22 - Feast of Weeks#
Ex 34:23 - Thrice in the year
Ex 34:25 - Leaven*
Ex 35:1 - Law-Sabbath*
Ex 35:2 - Law-Sabbath*


Lev 6:1 - Law-lying to neighbor*
Lev 6:2 - Law-lying to neighbor*
Lev 6:3 - Law-lying to neighbor*
Lev 6:4 - Law-lying to neighbor*
Lev 6:5 - Law-lying to neighbor*
Lev 6:6 - Law-lying to neighbor*
Lev 6:7 - Law-lying to neighbor*
Lev 10:8 - Law-priests drinking*
Lev 10:9 - Law-priests drinking*
Lev 10:10 - Law-priests drinking*
Lev 10:11 - Law-priests drinking*
Lev 17:10 - Law-eating*
Lev 17:11 - Blood atonement*
Lev 17:12 - Law-eating*
Lev 17:13 - Law-eating*
Lev 17:14 - Law-eating*
Lev 17:15 - Law-eating*
Lev 17:16 - Law-eating*
Lev 18:19 - Law-sex*
Lev 18:20 - Law-sex*
Lev 18:21 - Law-sex*
Lev 18:22 - Law-sex*
Lev 18:23 - Law-sex*
Lev 18:24 - Law-sex*
Lev 18:25 - Law-sex*
Lev 18:26 - Law-sex*
Lev 19:9 - Law-farming*
Lev 19:10 - Law-farming*
Lev 19:13 - Law-wages*
Lev 19:14 - Law-curse*
Lev 19:15 - Law-poor*
Lev 19:16 - Law-talebearer*
Lev 19:18 - Law-love*
Lev 19:20 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:9 - Law-curse father, mother*
Lev 20:10 - Law-adultery*
Lev 20:11 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:12 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:13 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:14 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:15 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:16 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:17 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:18 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:19 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:20 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:21 - Law-sex*
Lev 20:26 - P, M
Lev 20:27 - Law-familiar spirit*
Lev 23:1 - The feasts*
Lev 23:2 - The feasts*
Lev 23:3 - Law-Sabbath*
Lev 23:4 - The feasts*
Lev 23:5 - Passover*
Lev 23:6 - Passover*
Lev 23:7 - Passover*
Lev 23:8 - Passover*
Lev 23:9 - Passover*
Lev 23:10 - Firstfruits*
Lev 23:11 - Firstfruits*
Lev 23:12 - Firstfruits*
Lev 23:13 - Firstfruits*
Lev 23:14 - Firstfruits*
Lev 23:15 - Feast of Weeks*
Lev 23:16 - Feast of Weeks*
Lev 23:17 - Feast of Weeks*
Lev 23:18 - Feast of Weeks*
Lev 23:19 - Feast of Weeks*
Lev 23:20 - Feast of Weeks*
Lev 23:21 - Feast of Weeks*
Lev 23:22 - Feast of Weeks*
Lev 23:23 - Blowing of trumpets*
Lev 23:24 - Blowing of trumpets* (ref Rap)*
Lev 23:25 - Blowing of trumpets*
Lev 23:26 - Day of Atonement*
Lev 23:27 - Day of Atonement*
Lev 23:28 - Day of Atonement*
Lev 23:29 - Day of Atonement*
Lev 23:30 - Day of Atonement*
Lev 23:31 - Day of Atonement*
Lev 23:32 - Day of Atonement*
Lev 23:33 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:34 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:35 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:36 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:37 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:38 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:39 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:40 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:41 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:42 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:43 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 23:44 - Feast of Tabernacles*
Lev 24:10 - Law-curse God's name*
Lev 24:11 - Law-curse God's name*
Lev 24:12 - Law-curse God's name*
Lev 24:13 - Law-curse God's name*
Lev 24:14 - Law-curse God's name*
Lev 24:15 - Law-curse God's name*
Lev 24:16 - Law-curse God's name*
Lev 24:17 - Law-murder*
Lev 24:18 - Law-murder*
Lev 24:19 - Law-murder*
Lev 24:20 - Law-murder*
Lev 24:21 - Law-murder*
Lev 24:22 - Law-murder*
Lev 24:23 - Law-murder*
Lev 25:2 - Law-farming*
Lev 25:3 - Law-farming*
Lev 25:4 - Law-farming*
Lev 25:5 - Law-farming*
Lev 25:6 - Law-farming*
Lev 25:7 - Law-farming*
Lev 25:8 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:9 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:10 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:11 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:12 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:13 - Jubilee, law-inheritance*
Lev 25:14 - Law-inheritance*
Lev 25:15 - Law-inheritance*
Lev 25:16 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:17 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:18 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:19 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:20 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:21 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:22 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:23 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:24 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:25 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:26 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:27 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:28 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:29 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:30 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:31 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:32 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:33 - Jubilee*
Lev 25:34 - Levite's possession#
Lev 25:35 - Law-poor*
Lev 25:36 - Law-poor*
Lev 25:37 - Law-poor*
Lev 25:38 - Law-poor*
Lev 25:39 - Law-poor*
Lev 25:40 - Law-poor*
Lev 25:41 - Law-poor*
Lev 25:42 - Law-poor*
Lev 25:43 - Law-poor*
Lev 26:14 - If not hearken#
Lev 26:15 - If despise My statutes#
Lev 26:19 - I break the pride#
Lev 26:21 - If ye walk contrary unto Me#
Lev 26:22 - I will send wild beasts#
Lev 26:24 - I will walk contrary unto you#
Lev 26:25 - I will bring a sword upon you#
Lev 26:26 - Ten women shall bake#
Lev 26:27 - If ye will not hearken#
Lev 26:30 - I will destroy#
Lev 26:31 - I make your cities waste#
Lev 26:35 - The land shall rest#
Lev 27:3 - P, LD, from 20 to 60 yrs old
Lev 27:25 - Shekel of the sanctuary#


Num 1:3 - From 20 yrs old*
Num 5:11 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:12 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:13 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:14 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:15 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:16 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:17 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:18 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:19 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:20 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:21 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:22 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:23 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:24 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:25 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:26 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:27 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:28 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:29 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:30 - Law-adultery*
Num 5:31 - Law-adultery*
Num 8:15 - Levite's service#
Num 10:1 - Lord spake to Moses#
Num 10:2 - P, Rap
Num 14:21 - M
Num 14:33 - 40 years in the wilderness#
Num 14:34 - Each day for a year*
Num 15:32 - Sabbath*
Num 15:33 - Sabbath*
Num 15:34 - Sabbath*
Num 15:35 - Sabbath*
Num 15:36 - Sabbath*
Num 16:32 - Earth opened up*
Num 16:33 - Earth opened up*
Num 19:1 - P, T, M
Num 19:2 - P, T, M
Num 19:3 - P, T, M
Num 19:4 - P, T, M
Num 19:5 - P, T, M
Num 19:6 - P, T, M
Num 19:7 - P, T, M
Num 19:8 - P, T, M
Num 19:9 - P, T, M
Num 19:10 - P, T, M
Num 20:2 - Moses smote the rock twice*
Num 20:3 - Moses smote the rock twice*
Num 20:4 - Moses smote the rock twice*
Num 20:7 - Moses smote the rock twice*
Num 20:8 - Moses smote the rock twice*
Num 20:9 - Moses smote the rock twice*
Num 20:10 - Moses smote the rock twice*
Num 20:11 - Moses smote the rock twice*
Num 20:12 - Moses smote the rock twice*
Num 24:14 - LD
Num 24:17 - A
Num 24:18 - M
Num 24:19 - A, M
Num 24:20 - M
Num 27:1 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:2 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:3 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:4 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:5 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:6 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:7 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:8 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:9 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:10 - Law-inheritance*
Num 27:11 - Law-inheritance*
Num 29:1 - Blowing of trumpets#
Num 29:12 - 7th month, 15th day#
Num 30:1 - Law-vow*
Num 30:2 - Law-vow*
Num 30:3 - Law-vow*
Num 30:4 - Law-vow*
Num 30:5 - Law-vow*
Num 30:6 - Law-vow*
Num 30:7 - Law-vow*
Num 30:8 - Law-vow*
Num 30:9 - Law-vow*
Num 30:10 - Law-vow*
Num 30:11 - Law-vow*
Num 30:12 - Law-vow*
Num 30:13 - Law-vow*
Num 30:14 - Law-vow*
Num 30:15 - Law-vow*
Num 30:16 - Law-vow*
Num 32:11 - 20 yrs old and up, generation*
Num 32:13 - 20 yrs old and up, generation*
Num 35:9 - Law-murder*
Num 35:10 - Law-murder*
Num 35:11 - Law-murder*
Num 35:12 - Law-murder*
Num 35:13 - Law-murder*
Num 35:14 - Law-murder*
Num 35:15 - Law-murder*
Num 35:16 - Law-murder*
Num 35:17 - Law-murder*
Num 35:18 - Law-murder*
Num 35:19 - Law-murder*
Num 35:20 - Law-murder*
Num 35:21 - Law-murder*
Num 35:22 - Law-murder*
Num 35:23 - Law-murder*
Num 35:24 - Law-murder*
Num 35:25 - Law-murder*
Num 35:26 - Law-murder*
Num 35:27 - Law-murder*
Num 35:28 - Law-murder*
Num 35:29 - Law-murder*
Num 35:30 - Law-murder*
Num 35:31 - Law-murder*
Num 35:32 - Law-murder*
Num 35:33 - Law-murder*
Num 35:34 - Law-murder*


Deut 1:11 - M
Deut 1:15 - P, M
Deut 1:16 - P, M
Deut 1:17 - P, M
Deut 1:18 - I commanded you
Deut 3:23 - Moses besought the Lord#
Deut 3:25 - Let me go over Jordan#
Deut 3:26 - Lord would not hear me#
Deut 4:22 - I must not go over#
Deut 4:27 - Scatter you among nations#
Deut 4:29 - Shalt seek the Lord thy God#
Deut 4:30 - T, JIT
Deut 4:31 - T, JIT
Deut 5:7 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:8 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:9 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:10 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:11 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:12 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:13 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:14 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:15 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:16 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:17 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:18 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:19 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:20 - Ten commandments*
Deut 5:21 - Ten commandments*
Deut 6:1 - Law-love*
Deut 6:2 - Law-love*
Deut 6:3 - Law-love*
Deut 6:4 - Law-love*
Deut 6:5 - Law-love*
Deut 6:6 - Law-love*
Deut 6:7 - Law-love*
Deut 6:8 - Law-love*
Deut 6:9 - Law-love*
Deut 7:6 - P, M
Deut 7:7 - Lord set His love#
Deut 7:8 - Because He loved you#
Deut 7:9 - P, M
Deut 7:10 - P, T, A
Deut 7:25 - Burnt graven images#
Deut 8:4 - Raiment waxed not old#
Deut 11:24 - M
Deut 12:11 - Place the Lord shall choose#
Deut 12:14 - Place the Lord shall choose#
Deut 13:6 - Law-try to turn you from God*
Deut 13:7 - Law-try to turn you from God*
Deut 13:8 - Law-try to turn you from God*
Deut 13:9 - Law-try to turn you from God*
Deut 13:10 - Law-try to turn you from God*
Deut 13:11 - Law-try to turn you from God*
Deut 15:1 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 15:2 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 15:3 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 15:4 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 15:5 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 15:6 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 15:7 - Law-poor*
Deut 15:8 - Law-poor*
Deut 15:9 - Law-poor*
Deut 15:10 - Law-poor*
Deut 15:11 - Law-poor*
Deut 15:12 - Law-servants*
Deut 15:13 - Law-servants*
Deut 15:14 - Law-servants*
Deut 15:15 - Law-servants*
Deut 15:16 - Law-servants*
Deut 15:17 - Law-servants*
Deut 15:18 - Law-servants*
Deut 16:14 - Rejoice in thy feast#
Deut 16:15 - Seven days keep feast#
Deut 17:2 - Law-astrology*
Deut 17:3 - Law-astrology*
Deut 17:4 - Law-astrology*
Deut 17:5 - Law-astrology*
Deut 17:6 - Law-astrology*
Deut 17:7 - Law-astrology*
Deut 17:8 - Priests judge*
Deut 17:9 - Priests judge*
Deut 17:10 - Priests judge*
Deut 17:11 - Priests judge*
Deut 17:12 - Priests judge*
Deut 19:1 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:2 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:3 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:4 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:5 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:6 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:7 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:8 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:9 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:10 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:11 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:12 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:13 - Law-murder*
Deut 19:15 - Law-false witness*
Deut 19:16 - Law-false witness*
Deut 19:17 - Law-false witness*
Deut 19:18 - Law-false witness*
Deut 19:19 - Law-false witness*
Deut 19:20 - Law-false witness*
Deut 19:21 - Eye for an eye*
Deut 21:15 - Law-first born, inheritance*
Deut 21:16 - Law-first born, inheritance*
Deut 21:17 - Law-first born, inheritance*
Deut 21:18 - Law-rebellious son*
Deut 21:19 - Law-rebellious son*
Deut 21:20 - Law-rebellious son*
Deut 21:21 - Law-rebellious son*
Deut 21:22 - Law-rebellious son*
Deut 21:23 - Law-rebellious son*
Deut 22:1 - Law-animals*
Deut 22:2 - Law-animals*
Deut 22:3 - Law-animals*
Deut 22:4 - Law-lie to neighbor*
Deut 22:5 - Law-clothes*
Deut 22:6 - Law-birds*
Deut 22:7 - Law-birds*
Deut 22:13 - Law-virgin*
Deut 22:14 - Law-virgin*
Deut 22:15 - Law-virgin*
Deut 22:16 - Law-virgin*
Deut 22:17 - Law-virgin*
Deut 22:18 - Law-virgin*
Deut 22:19 - Law-virgin*
Deut 22:20 - Law-virgin*
Deut 22:21 - Law-virgin*
Deut 22:22 - Law-adultery*
Deut 22:23 - Man lie with a betrothed#
Deut 22:24 - Both stoned#
Deut 22:25 - If man force her in the field#
Deut 22:26 - Only the man shall die#
Deut 22:27 - Law-sex*
Deut 22:28 - Law-sex*
Deut 22:29 - Law-sex*
Deut 22:30 - Law-sex*
Deut 23:19 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 23:20 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 23:21 - Law-offering a vow*
Deut 23:22 - Law-offering a vow*
Deut 23:23 - Law-offering a vow*
Deut 23:24 - Law-farm-thou may eat*
Deut 23:25 - Law-farm-thou may eat*
Deut 24:5 - Law-a new wife*
Deut 24:6 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 24:7 - Law-slavery*
Deut 24:10 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 24:11 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 24:12 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 24:13 - Law-borrowing*
Deut 24:14 - Law-poor*
Deut 24:15 - Law-poor*
Deut 24:19 - Law-farming*
Deut 24:20 - Law-farming*
Deut 24:21 - Law-farming*
Deut 24:22 - Law-farming*
Deut 25:1 - Controversy, judges judge#
Deut 25:11 - Law-grab groin*
Deut 25:12 - Law-grab groin*
Deut 28:49 - A nation against thee#
Deut 28:50 - A fierce-looking nation#
Deut 30:3 - M
Deut 30:4 - M
Deut 30:5 - M
Deut 30:6 - M
Deut 30:8 - M
Deut 30:9 - M
Deut 30:15 - Law-idols, idolatry*
Deut 30:16 - Law-idols, idolatry*
Deut 30:17 - Law-idols, idolatry*
Deut 30:18 - Law-idols, idolatry*
Deut 30:19 - Law-idols, idolatry*
Deut 30:20 - Law-idols, idolatry*
Deut 31:17 - T, #
Deut 31:18 - T, #
Deut 31:29 - P, LD, T, #
Deut 32:20 - T, #

To Part 2